What does God's love mean?

When someone says, "I love you!" how does that make you feel? In general, we all feel happy and joyful when someone says I love you. What if the person that said it to you was your crush, your spouse, your mother or father?

The relationship between you and that other person matters when it comes to love, doesn’t it?

In the Bible there are a lot of words used for love. One of the Hebrew words we find there is the word “Hesed.”

This is more than just an emotional feeling or deep affection. This word means God loves us according to His covenant.

How does God love us in this way?

Dive into the meaning of God's love for you!

Right now you can download this 30+ page Bible study and four teaching videos and start right now.

What you'll get

Instant access to a 30+ page Bible study workbook with four weeks of study. In it you will find passages to read, questions to answers, and thoughtful commentary on God's love and how He demonstrates this love both to those in the Bible but us today.

You'll also have access to several teaching videos that correspond with each week of the study.

In additional to all of this, you will have exclusive and lifetime access to the following:

  • How to Study the Bible (without a Bible degree) teaching
  • 5 Tips for Reading Your Bible if you Don't like Reading teaching
  • 10 Promises of God (PDF)
  • How to Plan the Perfect Quiet Time (PDF)